Maintain your spine for excellent overall health.
Did you know that 50% of our chiropractic patients are healthy individuals who are looking to maintain their great health through regular chiropractic care?
Every-day life is full of physical stresses, putting our spine and posture at great risk for injury. Even something as insignificant as improper sleeping position, or how we drive a car can slowly cause spinal misalignments to occur without us even feeling pain.
That’s why regular chiropractic care, adjustments, and exercises are necessary to help our spine keep its optimal curvature, allowing our nervous system to function optimally in helping us keep healthy.
If you or a loved one lives or works around the greater Tampa area, and is looking for a great chiropractor to help promote good health, please contact our team at STRONGLIFE Chiropractic (Top chiropractor Lithia) to see how we can help you feel your best again.
The Focus of Chiropractic Care
The goal of Chiropractic care is to optimize the function of the nervous system, by detecting spinal misalignments. The nervous system, consisting of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves, is responsible for controlling and coordinating all bodily functions. By ensuring proper alignment of the spine, chiropractic care plays a crucial role in promoting overall health and often times alleviating pain. This alignment allows for uninterrupted nerve communication throughout the body, facilitating the restoration of well-being.
Why Corrective Chiropractic Works Better
Not all chiropractors are alike. While most aim to get rid of back pain or neck pain by adjusting your spine, unfortunately, they don’t address the root cause of the misalignment. It’s like forcing a leaning tree back to 90 degrees and watching it slowly bend downward again. You can do that for the rest of the tree’s life, but the problem will still persist.
On the other hand, Chiropractic BioPhysics doctors aim to not only put an end to your pain, but they do so by reshaping/rehabilitating the spine back to its “normal” alignment and curvature. This ensures that structurally the spine is strong and maintains better alignment while taking pressure off the delicate nerves that move energy throughout your body.
As a result, most CBP patients report a wide range of conditions improving aftercare. These include increased energy, better quality of sleep, improved mood, and an overall improvement in their sense of well-being. Some patients also report an end or decrease in the frequency of some diseases – including acid reflux, asthma, fibromyalgia, fatigue, and even high blood pressure
Similar to how a kink in a garden hose can diminish water flow, a misaligned spine can put unnecessary – and often dangerous – amounts of pressure on the delicate nerves flowing out of it, and therefore cutting down on nerve energy to your body or critical organs.
If left untreated, weakened nerve energy can create pain, weakness, and lead to tingling and numbness in your arms and legs. It can also lead to organ dysfunction and various diseases – such as acid reflux disease, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, weakened immune system, asthma, hypertension, difficulty sleeping, and even allergies.
Our protocol starts with an in-depth analysis of your spine through digital X-rays and other imagining technologies, followed by a customized treatment plan that may include adjustments, traction, decompression, and expertise. All our treatment is safe, noninvasive, and extremely therapeutic and comfortable.
Many people may not be aware of the correlation between a healthy spine and better overall health, as chiropractic has been synonymous with back pain and neck pain for decades. However, many of our patients are pleasantly surprised to experience relief from seemingly unrelated health issues once they are going through our corrective care program. Why? Simply put, by eliminating spinal misalignments and reshaping the spine back to its normal curvature, nerve flow energy is once again allowed to flow optimally to the entire body, including vital organs. This, in turn, allows the digestive system, the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system, the immune system, and other systems to turn back the hands of time, and work optimally the way they were intended.
Our Chiropractor in Lithia FL can successfully treat the following:
- Back & Neck Pain
- Headaches & Migraines
- Scoliosis
- Postural Deformities
- Shoulder Pain
- Fatigue
- Allergies
- Asthma
- High Blood Pressure
- Trouble Sleeping
- Acid Reflux & GERD
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Frozen Shoulder
- Disc Herniation
- Postural Abnormalities

"Chiropractic changed my life for good. It’s a shame not too many people know how incredible chiropractic can be. Having been involved in a pretty bad car accident, and being told pain would be something I’d have to deal with just didn’t sit well with me. So I did my research and found Dr. Justin Scott of STRONGLIFE Chiropractic. After a thorough exam, he pinpointed what needed to be done, and within several sessions, I was back to jogging again — something I was convinced I could no longer do. Three months later, I am completely back, and even better than I have ever felt."
Janice R.
"I came to STRONGLIFE for post surgical therapy and I had great results in my recovery. Dr. Kim & Scott were very helpful in being able to help me get full mobility in my shoulder. All of the staff here were helpful and had a great time here with my recovery."
Shawn P.